the love lock series: the written like a book chapter
Saundri Luippold
May 19, 20232 min read
Great books are transformative, walking you along the path of another person’s thoughts, and the best books offer a reevaluation of what you held to be true or affirmation of what you believe. I think that love can do the same thing as well, when two people engage in deep conversation about the things they value most, helping one another improve and increase their personal development.
An anonymous friend of mine shared, “In short, I fall in love with a girl’s mind. That could mean she’s bookish, and loves knowing facts. She might spend her whole day reading or studying what she’s passionate about. Or it could mean that she loves to ponder things and wants to know you on a deep level. She has really profound thoughts about the universe or the meaning of life. Or all of the above! Her mind is just a beautiful thing.”
Another anonymous response highlights his Christian values and the role it plays within his relationships. He said:
“I am attracted to women who are genuinely committed to honoring the Lord in all things—in all their thoughts, words, and actions. The evidence that will most convincingly compel me to pursue a woman is, contrary to cultural norms, found not in her displays of affection or her infatuation with me, but rather her committed love for another person, that is Christ. I firmly believe that the union of a man and woman, that is, the act of marriage, is primarily a reflection of Christ's union with His bride, the church, and in participating in this act, we engage in an act of worship. I am attracted to women who I believe will honor the Lord both inside and outside of a relationship, and if I believe that God will be glorified in our partnership as husband and wife.
And, if you would like some more specifics . . .
I am attracted to and would pursue a relationship with a woman who:
is committed to engaging with the Word of God constantly
is committed to taking all things to God in prayer
is committed to living and raising a family in accordance with biblical principles
embraces her God-given female identity and earnestly seeks to honor the biblical roles established for men and women in the church and in the family
is committed to denying both the world and herself for the sake of Christ
desires to submit herself in all things to the authority of Christ
I'm sure there is much more I can list, but in general, the specifics don’t quite matter to me. Personality, interests, and hobbies are only minor factors. What matters most to me is that the woman I am pursuing is completely devoted to honoring the Lord.”
Love that’s written like a book is love that enhances, improves, and influences your life in a way that leads you to becoming someone wiser, more attentive to the other person, and draws you closer to what you value most.